:: Loving Arms::
"It was then that I carried me?" She asked...
"Yes my dear, it was then that I carried you. I saw your thoughts change. I felt your hand loosen and then saw you let go. My little girl trying to stand on her own. You know so little about what can happen when you walk by yourself and hit a rock and find your face in the dirt. Daughter, I have loved you since before anyone else knew you. I took my time making you strong and intelligent and compassionate. You are my precious one. As a Father, I took it upon myself to see you through all that was to come your way, taking the good and the bad, unconditionally loving you and seeing you as unmarred and untainted each morning. The way I see you shall never change.
Knowing that you had to learn this on your own, I stood here and waited for you to turn back and run into my arms. Though it saddens me every time I see you make a decision without using the knowledge I have taught you, my love for you will never be affected by the mistakes or successes that you have. I could never love you less. I could never love you more.
Sweet one, do you hear what I say to you?
You decided to try your hand at this without my wisdom. I stood by watching. You said the words I knew you would say but hoped you wouldn't. You fell apart as I anticipated to happen and I then walked over and kissed my baby girl's face as I picked you up to carry you away from the mess you were in. I held you tight when it hurt the most. sitting down with you in my arms, rocking you to peace as you told me all about what I already knew.
Daughter, I forgive you. Love, I forgave you long before this happened. Angel, I have forgotten what it was you ever did to make you feel this way.
What is it that I can do for you? Please tell me. When do you want me to act? How do you want things done? Who do I take care of for you until you heal enough to walk by my side again. Shh. Don't answer because I actually already knew. I was there, remember? Let me love you and hold you until you understand how much you mean to me. Understand my dear one, that I will do things how I see fit but whatever I do, I do for the benefit of you, for other's, and for myself. Giving a balance back to what was lost.
When you decide to do this again, if you decide to do this again, know that I am your Father and a Father who loves his children shows them discipline to strengthen their spirits. Not to punish you out of resentment. I am capable of anger, wrath even, but I am the true definition of love. Know one will ever have a greater understanding of who you are, of what you are capable of, of how things affect you. Not even yourself.
Holding you now, I have you close so listen well. Guard your heart. Think twice, no three times before you make a decision without consulting me. Love those around you. Show them the love that I have always shown you. Give without expecting anything back because I will always make sure you don't go without. And trust in all the directions I give you.
Now, in this moment, I give you a band aid to help heal an protect that which hurts right now. I give you the love that was always yours. I give you my word and within my word, you will find all that you need to live a life where I am always right beside you or rather just a call away. Have faith in me for I have faith in you and carry that faith with you always.
To a Father, a baby girl will grow up, but will always remain his baby girl of whom he raised and will always look out for. I will catch you when you fall again. Dearest, I will carry you then, again, like I carry you now.
Broken hearted or scorned, shamed or helpless, weak or meek, lonely or sad, depressed or afraid, in all situations you will know the warmth of my arms.
My beloved, yes, it was in that moment that I carry you."
Prayer is a special thing. A way of finding healing, peace, understanding, grace, joy, and rest amongst a number of other things. When I take part in prayer, there are the rare and special times I fell and know that my Father is meeting me where I am at and placing his arms around me. He knows what I have come to tell him and he know what I need help with. A wonderful feeling if there ever was one. I lean on His unending love now like its all I've got and in big way, that's true because when this world is no more, His love will always remain. I thank my Father for His love that has been the cause for his to give me so much. I'll end with that thought.