Tuesday, July 7, 2009

What my daddy is to his daughter

My dad is quite the man, working hard an loving others from the time he wakes up to the very moment he falls asleep. I love him with more than what I have words for and I'm so very thankful to have been blessed with such a father.

Here's to you Daddy :)

Always Present

Finger slips and I tumble to rocks ledge
Bruised, I stood and climbed that mountain peak
Ray-light fades as twilight sets in so I stop to think
Till this happened I never had to seek...

Pondering the meaning of one life
The power that one touch can hold
Remembering those callused hands sends shivers down my spine
Protecting against this night of cold

Looking up as to see that face
Smiling because the vision's clear
Not happy but rather content
To still hold this memory dear

You taught me to never give up when life takes you down
To hope when all dreams are lost
To laugh through a stream of tears
And that true love has no cost

I can see my father standing proud
Watching over his little girl from up there
Knowing that he made me who I am today
And talking with the Lord's Angels with plenty of stories to share

Because of this great man
I take this gift of life day by day
Taking care of the meek and poor
And guiding those that have gone astray

He lives in the hearts of those who loved him
And will forever have left a mark
Because he cared for those around him
While giving many lives their first spark

For tonight, I will stop what I'm doing
And save my journey for tomorrow
Rest my mind on a happy thought
Having no room in my heart for sorrow.

~I love you.~

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