Monday, November 2, 2009

Rgr!! Which means Roger?

These days are now the days of November. In which there is good food and the promise of a semester end approaching.

First note of business: Phone calls

Since a certain friend of mine insists of calling more than texting, I've come to appreciate the importance of a voice over the phone once again. I'd rather call someone and talk for 5 or 10 minutes than text for 4 hours. Its more personal and thoughtful. Even though my parents text now, I still find myself calling my mom most everyday. She's mom after all. Everything goes through her for consideration and opinion.

Second note of business: Priority

As the week rolled on, there was no time to do anything but homework or tiptoe around homework and studying. Work, class, and church was all I could do with the time that God had put in my day. Not to say that is a bad thing but there was not even a free moment to pull out the guitar and practice. What I will dub as the bad part is that I don't even fill I got anything accomplished. Sad was the day that I mentally cried over my week because it seemed that nothing credible had been done.

Its even Monday morning of the next week and I'm updating my blog rather than preparing for my presentation later today. Go figure.

Third note of business: Revelation!

Leading a life group with Erin has showed me much about responsibility, reliability, and servitude. Its a job but a blessing all in the same to host these girls this semester. Each week, we call them to remind them and check up them. They make one feel like you're actually doing something good by coming together to talk about the Lord and how to serve. My revelation would be that no matter what I do, God's plan will continue on its way. Not that I'm trying to alter it. I'm trying to do everything on my own but His plan comes and puts me where he wants me regardless. With these girls in life group. The family at the UC. My family in Japan etc.

This weekend was a good one. Especially Sunday. All day in the house by myself to clean, watch a movie and attempt to study. Peaceful. Happy. Good.

Later days

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